Importance of exercise

Exercise is vital for your physical and mental well-being. Regular activity supports muscle development, bone health, and cardiovascular fitness. Beyond the physical benefits, exercise enhances mood, reduces stress, and fosters mental resilience. Establishing healthy habits in now sets the foundation for a lifetime of well-rounded health and vitality.

Hybrid training

We all know about the benefits of strength training, but what if we have been leaving gains on the table by neglecting cardio? Zone 2 cardio, meaning near 70-80% effort, several times a week can actually increase your muscle growth and body composition, helping train your lower body and core. Check out this channel for more information on hybrid training.

Implementing cardio into your splits helps increase your Vo2 max, or your body’s ability to absorb oxygen. This is great for overall longevity, and increasing your endurance for more efficient workouts.

Most male fitness content online comes from the bodybuilding industry, and while strength training is great, most of us don’t want to be bodybuilders. The effectiveness of these splits relies on heavy calorie management in bulks or cuts, and can lead to body dysmorphia due to the nature of competition physique criteria. I think that this approach can still lead to great results, but I also think many people plateau quickly and fall into the bulking and cutting cycle without necessarily wanting the same goals as bodybuilders.


  • Pretty self-explanatory. Nothing feels better than a heavy lift, and muscle mass is critical to longevity.

  • PPL or Arnold splits can be found easily online. Always focus on including some heavy compound lifts in your routine as well.


  • Calisthenics training leverages body weight for strength, flexibility, and endurance gains. It enhances functional fitness, improves body composition, and fosters a holistic approach to health, requiring minimal equipment while promoting versatility and adaptability.

  • Pull ups, Chin ups for your back and biceps; push ups and dips for your chest and triceps will have you covered. If these are easy, do them weighted.


  • Kettlebells offer dynamic, full-body workouts with unique benefits. Their off-center weight challenges stability, promoting functional strength and agility. Kettlebell exercises engage multiple muscle groups, enhancing cardiovascular fitness and flexibility, setting them apart from traditional dumbbells and barbells.

  • Look into the Pavel Tsatsouline method. Kettlebells are great for leg days focusing on strength through volume rather than total weight.


  • Endurance

    Zone 2 cardio, is vital for endurance and longevity. This aerobic training zone improves cardiovascular efficiency, enhances fat metabolism, and boosts overall endurance. It supports long-term health, contributing to improved cardiovascular function and increased lifespan by promoting optimal metabolic and physiological adaptations.

    In the realm of Zone 2 endurance, a solid workout might involve low-intensity, sustained efforts—think a long, brisk walk, easy jog, or cycling at a conversational pace. The key is maintaining an aerobic state where you can comfortably talk, fostering endurance gains and metabolic efficiency, aligning with a longevity-focused approach.

  • Maximum Output

    Maximum effort cardio, pushing the body to its limits, elevates VO2 max—the maximum amount of oxygen a person can utilize during intense exercise. This improves cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and overall athletic performance. High-intensity efforts also trigger metabolic adaptations, enhancing fat burning and promoting optimal health and fitness.

    Begin with a dynamic warm-up, then alternate short bursts of maximum effort sprints with periods of active recovery. Aim for 10-15 minutes, focusing on quality over quantity. Include proper cool-down and flexibility exercises for a comprehensive cardiovascular workout.

My Split

  • Upper Body: 3x Week

    5x5 Weighted Pull ups & 5x20 Push ups

    5x5 Weighted Dips & Weighted Chin Ups

    5x5 Military Press or Incline DB press & Weighted Pull Ups

    Lower Body: 2x Week

    5x5 KB Front Squats & Deadlift

    5x5 KB ATG Split Squat and KB Swings

    5x5 KB Box Step-Ups

  • Zone 2:

    2 Mile Runs

    30mins. stationary bike or 20min. AirDyne assault bike


    30sec sprint followed by 60sec rest, repeat 5 times

    *Try to do one of these 2x per week, and they can replace a lower body day if needed. Personally, I squeeze in most of my cardio on days when I am short for time and don’t have 60-90mins for a full workout session. They can also be done as a finisher on leg days.

  • The most important thing when creating a split for yourself is doing something you enjoy every time and that you can easily adjust to your schedule. PPL splits can be hard to adapt if you miss a day or two in the week, thats why I advocate for the hybrid approach when you can easily adjust your workout if you have a change in schedule, or are ill-recovered and have low energy on a certain day.

    The important thing is doing exercise, don’t knock yourself for not being 100% every session; Rome was not built in a day. Your competition isn’t others in the gym or that you see online, it is who you were yesterday.


  • Industry leading powders have been pulled for heavy metals, contain chemical emulsifiers and additives, and overall may bring more harm than good. I think that the more protein you can get from real food the better. But for recommendations, look into egg white-based protein powders and this raw milk whey powder from Pravi.

  • Creatine aids in increasing muscle strength and power, promoting muscle growth, and enhancing overall exercise capacity. Its role in improving phosphocreatine stores facilitates faster ATP regeneration, delaying muscle fatigue during high-intensity workouts. I recommend Naked Creatine and Thorne. Have your pick of these as well.

  • Similar to protein powders, we don’t really need hundreds of milligrams of caffeine for a good workout. If you need a kick, just have some coffee. My go-to pre is taking a few pinches of salt for electrolytes and maple syrup for quick carbs. Electrolyte powders have gotten popular recently, but beware of hidden sugars and other ingredients. Best to rely on natural sources of electrolytes like bananas, coconut water, and plain old salt.