You are what you do.

Becoming your best does not happen with one good day. Lifestyle changes are where results are found, and no step is too small to make progress. Although exercise is important, it’s about what you do for the other 23 hours of the day that makes the big difference.

Strong Habits


“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man young, wealthy, and wise.” Having a healthy sleep schedule is a game changer. The most important aspect is making sure to get 7-9 hours worth, but generally, the earlier you end your days and the earlier you start, the better. Nothing will make you feel better than waking up and getting productive or getting a workout in before everyone else is up yet.

Reconfigure Your Reward System

Many of us reward ourselves with dopamine-seeking behaviors like ordering junk food or going out for drinks. Not to say that these are inherently wrong, but you’ll see how the more you stay committed to improving yourself, the less enjoyment these things will bring you. That is a sign of progress. You are reconfiguring the things you deem as rewards, and cutting into you progress for a hit of dopamine won’t cut it anymore. Remember, discipline equals freedom.


Your skin is the largest organ in the body. You need to be mindful of what’s in the products you are using. Harmful ingredients are found in everything from skincare, to sunscreen, to shampoo and soaps. These ingredients are being absorbed into your body and may be harming you more than you think. Check out some recommendations.

Get Outside

Spending more time outside is always going to bring benefits. Vitamin D exposure and grounding have proven to be useful in improving mental health, immune system function, reducing stress, and so much more. Since covid, much of our time has been spent indoors, and it’s no surprise mental health has deteriorated. Incorporating daily walks is one of the best ways to get some sunlight, simply throw on some headphones and set aside 30 minutes to one hour and build a great habit.

Our Addictions

Today’s youth are plagued with addictions from all directions; vaping, smoking, caffeine, social media, and so much more. It’s not our fault that we have become dependent on them, but it is on us for staying on them. As a college student, the amount of friends who vape and have nicotine addictions is shocking, and pretending you don’t have to do anything about it is lying to yourself.


Being in college, I know how hard it can be to opt out of drinking and how easy it can be to form some pretty serious drinking routines. I’m not advocating for complete elimination, but any reduction is going to yield benefits. Sleep quality, performance, recovery, just to name a few. Your wallet will thank you too.Instead of going out multiple times per weekend try just once, and think about if that night is worth ruining the next day. Many of us may be young and feel invincible, but alcohol poisons your body and creates compounding damage that you will feel later in life.

Resources to lean on

The road ahead is hard, but improving your mental diet, the content you consume can vastly improve your progress and mental fortitude. Just like we are what we eat, out thoughts mirror what we watch and listen to. I’ve linked some helpful productive content creators that help me get that extra fuel.