Modern Food feeds us poison.

Open your eyes.

What are seed oils?

Seed oils were a byproduct of agricultural production and used as industrial lubricants 100 years ago. Now, seed oils make up 32% of daily calorie intake for the average American. Watch this video to learn about their history, harmful effects, and why and how to avoid them.

The Food Pyramid

The 1980s introduction of the food pyramid, emphasizing a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, is implicated in the diabetes epidemic. The focus on grains and limited fat intake may have contributed to increased sugar consumption, insulin resistance, and metabolic disorders. This nutritional paradigm's impact on health has been scrutinized amid rising diabetes rates.

A 2022 study on the panel of experts responsible for the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans found that 95% of panelists had at least one conflict of interest with an industry actor; 700 total counts of conflicts were found. The Tuft Food Compass notoriously published food health rankings where Frosted Mini Wheats and Lucky Charms were ranked healthier than ground beef or eggs.

These guidelines are created to benefit corporations, and with a disturbing lack of regard towards the health outcomes associated with adherence to recommendations.

For decades, Big Food corporations have pushed for increased inclusion of processed food in the American diet. It has led to an epidemic of poor health across the nation. Unfortunately, the authorities tasked with protecting our food have become compromised by corporate interests.

I am not a doctor nor nutritionist, but people need to take ownership for their own health. Pharmaceuticals have become preferred to lifestyle changes in treating any condition, and it is undeniable that public health has deteriorated ever since these authorities have taken over.

It’s not just in the past.

  • Recent studies have found that traditional biomarkers of CVD like LDL cholesterol are no longer as strongly correlated to heart disease as previously believed. Roughly 50% of heart attacks across the US happened to individuals who did not have what would be considered high levels of cholesterol. Additionally, dietary cholesterol has a very minimal impact on blood cholesterol levels, which are mainly influenced by genetics and other co-morbidities.

  • Recent pushes to eliminate meat from the diet, citing environmental and health benefits, have led to a surge in plant based meats like Beyond Meat. regardless of the vitamin and nutrient deficiencies associated with plant-based diets, these meat alternatives are laden with loads of harmful ingredients including seed oils, emulsifiers, and more.

  • Consumptions of white flour are at alarming levels. In the US, not only are wheat crops sprayed with the toxic pesticide Glyphosate, but the flour is fortified with artificial nutrients such as folic acid. What many may consider to be a gluten sensitivity may actually be reactions to these chemical additives found in the US. This is why many who travel to Europe report that they did not gain weight or experience poor reactions when eating flour and bread abroad, as these chemicals are banned in the EU.

  • Superfoods have become the hot topic of recent years, from kale to açai to greens powders, these are marketing ploys used to sell consumers on high margin, low cost products and make people feel like they can have a fix-all solution. Many of these greens powders are made from vegetable scraps being blended down together and then packaged and sold abroad.

  • Don’t get me wrong, body image issues are serious and people do not need to be in the best shape of their life 24/7. But the body positivity movement has gone too far in promoting itself, and claiming that obesity is not a sign of awful health and that it should be celebrated is absurd. People need to be held accountable and not celebrated for letting their bodies go to ruin. Everyone has the right to live how they want to, and for some health is not their priority, but we cannot abandon reality as a society.